The Scottish Rogue

The Campbells #1
September 24, 2018
Entangled Publishing (Amara)
Available in: Paperback, Audio, e-Book

The Scottish Rogue

1684, Scottish Highlands

Englishwoman Evelyn Worthington is resolved to build a school for ladies in her brother’s newly purchased Scottish castle. But when she arrives, not only does she find the castle scorched by fire, but a brawny Highlander bars her entry.

Clan chief Grey Campbell would rather die than see his family home, Finlarig Castle, fall into English hands, so Grey must win the battle of wills with the beautiful Sassenach who flashes a bill of sale before him.

When the war between Evelyn and Grey escalates, passions flare. But outsiders have their own plans for Finlarig. After secrets are revealed, and muskets are lit, the fates of the Campbell Clan, the school, and a possible future for Grey and Evelyn are in as much jeopardy as their lives.

(Scarlet and Aiden are in a cabin with wolves circling.)

“They’ve been scratching the door,” she whispered. Her eyes were round in the dim light from the moon, round and full of terror.

Scratch! Scarlet’s hands leaped up in front of her chest where she clasped them together, her gaze snapping back to the door.

Without thinking, Aiden stepped forward to pull her against him. She shook, her body stiff, but she didn’t push away. His stomach clenched. “Bloody hell,” he whispered over her head. “What ye’ve been through tonight.”

He held her, willing his strength into her. He’d seen Scarlet Worthington defiant, stubborn, wry, and floating with joy when riding across the meadow. He’d never seen her filled with fear, and each of her tremors twisted inside him. “They can’t get in here, and ye’ve already proven that ye’re cleverer than they.”

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he bent so that his gaze would be level with hers and waited until she slid them from the door. “Scarlet, ye are safe now.”

She blinked and gave a quick bob of her head. He rubbed his hands down her arms, then held up one finger with a half grin. “Shhh,” he said and turned to the door, creeping up on it, waiting.

Scratch, scratch.

With the flat of his hands, Aiden slammed into the door, bellowing in a fierce roar. He slapped the door, then pounded with his fists, yelling, letting his anger fly up out of his mouth until his breath gave out. When he turned, Scarlet had gone to the window, pushing back the curtain. “They are running away,” she said and turned to look at him, her mouth open. “You scared away a pack of hungry wolves?”

“I startled them,” he answered, shrugging, but his gaze connected with hers. “They weren’t expecting it, like Finlay Menzies wasn’t expecting ye to kick his frigger so hard that he’s been puking ever since.”

She blinked. “You found him puking?”

He nodded, his gut untwisting enough to let him inhale fully. “Couldn’t even talk, doubled over.”

“Well, he was drunk, too.” She turned back to the window, looking out at the snow.

“They should stay away for a bit,” he said. “But they will wander back to their den by morning.”

He turned to his horse, running a hand down Eigh’s flank, and sighed as the horse pissed on the floor.

“I’m sorry,” Scarlet said, gesturing toward the horses. “There was no time to find her shelter.”

He shook his head. “It will scrub up.” He patted Eigh’s white coat before grabbing a bucket. He lifted the bar on the door and filled the bucket with snow to melt. They would all need something to drink, and he doubted Scarlet would want whisky after tonight. Although, perhaps that was what she needed. He set the bucket over the iron grate in the hearth and found his flint for a fire.

As he struck and blew on the sparks, questions churned inside him, relighting his anger. But the lass was still raw. He didn’t know much about women, but he did know animals. Wild eyes and a stiff spine required a gentle approach. He waited until she moved from the window and took a seat in one of the two chairs set before the table that he’d built from a hundred-year-old oak that had fallen in a storm.

He kept his gaze on the catching flame. “’Tis late or early, depending on how ye view it. And cold. Finlay must have been the devil himself to drive ye from Castle Menzies.” He added a square of dried peat to the kindling and leaned down to blow on it. Scarlet sat silently.

Remaining crouched, Aiden swiveled toward her, peering past the tail of her horse. “What happened, Scarlet?” he whispered.

She looked away, her lips tight.

Aiden inhaled fully and let his long sigh fill the room. “Ye don’t have to say. I will return tomorrow to kill Finlay Menzies. We will take the sheep to Finlarig.”

“What?” Scarlet said, her gaze snapping back to him. “You…you can’t just go in and slaughter a man.”

He shrugged. “I will ask the bastard what he did. If he won’t tell me, then I will assume the worst offense and kill him. If he does tell me, I’m certain it will require me to kill him.”

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“A thoroughly addictive read that leaves you screaming at the bad guys , in love with the brooding hero , and loving the fact that women rule in Scotland 
I love Heathers books and enjoy all her wonderful stories. 
Great read !” Maggie Whitworth Reviews

“This story is not only an amazing historical romance, but a fantastic heartwarming holiday read that is perfect for setting the spirit of the season to soar to new heights. This was a perfect mix of love, action, calibration, and hot steam on a cold winter’s night. Every lover of historical romance needs to add this to their to be read list, and be ready for a romantic ride they will never forget.

This is a fantastic love story with a heroine who isn’t just strong on the outside but on the inside too and a hero who’s story, kindness, and valor will melt your heart. I really loved every aspect of this story.

Would I Recommend It:
Without hesitation yes. This was a fantastic read everyone should try out.” Bookish Reviews

“The connection between Scarlet and Aiden still makes my heart beat faster and feel all sorts of swoony inside. I did love these characters but it wasn’t just Aiden and Scarlet that made this story amazing. I loved each of the Highland Roses that took part in this story. Each woman contributed to the overall plot and I can always get behind a book that has strong female characters. There is so much to love in A Protector in the Highlands and I highly recommend this story! I loved it!” Minx -The Genre Minx Book Reviews‘s review