Highland Isles

The Devil of Dunakin Castle

on October 25, 2017

Grace Ellington has made a home in Scotland, but to escape the meddling people who believe she needs to wed, she volunteers to journey north to help a friend in need. Keir MacKinnon has been raised to strike fear in people, on and off the battlefield. Caught in a Highland blizzard with the feisty Grace, Keir realizes the beautiful woman who saved him can also save his nephew’s life, so he kidnaps her. Sparks fly, and Grace’s courage is put to the ultimate test.

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The Wolf of Kisimul Castle

on July 28, 2017

Mairi Maclean is kidnapped on her wedding day. Taken north to Kisimul Castle, she is held captive. Alec MacNeil, The Wolf of Kisimul Castle, soon learns Mairi is not a docile pawn in this game of war between neighboring Scots. When he finds his enemy dead, he takes his wife to replace the one that was murdered. But Mairi refuses to bend to his will, and the passion that flares between them threatens to tear Alec’s strategy apart.


The Rogue of Islay Isle

on May 15, 2017

Cullen stepped closer so that they faced each other. His heart pounded with the effort to control his movements. “Ye will purr, lass, when I kiss ye here.” As slow as fog wafting in around the islands, he slid his hand up around her neck, his thumb resting lightly on the throbbing of her pulse. It beat hard, and she swallowed. He leaned in with painstaking control, and touched a slow kiss under her ear. He trailed lower along the underside of her jaw and the column of her throat, just the whisper of a kiss. His fingers warmed under the weight of her unbound hair.


The Beast of Aros Castle

on January 21, 2017

On the run from a dangerous man, Ava Sutton flees to the Isle of Mull off the coast of Scotland. Masquerading as a titled, English lady, Ava must convince the cynical and darkly handsome chief of the Macleans of Aros to wed her before the devil tracks her down.