One of my favorite things about Halloween is dressing up! I’ve always been a dresser-upper. I would wear leprechaun clothes on St. Patrick’s Day to my elementary school and a Laura Ingles bonnet when I played out in my backyard “harvesting” honeysuckle. I trick-or-treated until I was a Sophomore in college. My boyfriend (who still married me despite my odd ways) took me around trick-or-treating as if I was his little sister. I just loved taking on a different persona. And I still dress up in vintage ensembles for my book signings and conferences.
But once a year I can still (sanely) put on scary costumes and become something that haunts nightmares. Here are some of my past costumes, only one is scary. I’ll be the Nun again this year in our family’s backyard scare house that we put on for the neighborhood. Do you like to dress up?

Queen Elizabeth 1

Steampunk Captain


Beer maid

I was the Great British Baking Show