
Flash Fiction – Interview with Dracula

on October 27, 2018

  Abigail Newton entered through the arched doorway into Bran Castle. “Hello?” Only the lonesome whistle of wind answered. Straightening her shoulders and clutching her notebook, she called louder. “Mister Dracula? I’m here for the interview.” A flash of movement caught her eye, and she gasped as the shadow stepped away from the velvet papered… Read More


Finding A Tiny Gem – Mini Writers/Readers Conferences

on March 12, 2014

  Have you ever attended a small writers/readers conference? I used to think that I had been to several. Compared to the over two-thousand attendees at the National Romance Writers of America conference, the Georgia Romance Writer’s fabulous Moonlight and Magnolia conference seemed intimate at three-hundred attendees. But this past weekend I attended the Tasty… Read More

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A Writer’s World

on February 13, 2014

Have you ever gone for a walk in the early morning when no one is awake yet? The birds are quiet, no airplanes streak overhead, even the hum of the distant highway is muted? And for an instant you wonder if civilization has faded away somehow.  What would happen if suddenly every animal and human… Read More

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Fuzzy Fun Fur Cap Knitting Instructions

on November 14, 2013

Use a US size 9 – 9.5 /16 inch long circular needle, little nubbies for the ends so the stitches don’t fall off when you’re storing, a little loop to mark the start of your row, and a set of 4 double pointed size 8-9 needles to use to decrease and finish off at the… Read More