Young Adult


on July 29, 2016

Trapped for two-hundred years in a golden urn, Deidre Lamont’s soul has lived and died eleven times. Freed from the curse and given a new body, Deidre must learn to survive in the modern world as high school senior, Avery Sanders. When a sinister shadow stalks her, tormenting her about the past, Deidre can’t deny her magical powers or her secret love any longer. Both are growing out of control, which could lead to utter destruction.

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on March 12, 2015

Taylin Banes’ familiar world shatters when the cruel curse that kept her unable to love is broken. Now she’s bombarded by all the piercing human emotions she’d been forbidden over eleven torturous lifetimes. The nightmares of her deaths crack through her tough exterior, reminding her that this last life is fragile, and fear becomes a new type of torture.


Siren’s Song

on November 11, 2013

Jule Welsh is starting her senior year of high school when her world flies apart. Her mother’s committed, a psycho-stalker’s snapping pictures of her, her voice is putting people into comatose trances, oh and the gorgeous new guy in town, Luke Whitmore, is interested in her . . . but also wants to kill her.